Friday, November 30, 2007


Okay enough of the Christmas songs!! Why do people get such enjoyment out of the same song day after day year after year? If I here Jingle Bells again I’m going to pop. And don’t even get me started on the shopping.

With that out of the way (thank you for listening to me vent) I would like to say Merry Christmas! I am so excited. Not to sure what about, but there are many reasons for me to be. The company Christmas party, a possible free concert, my week and a half long vacation, my trip to Iowa, Christmas!

I think it’s a combination of everything. But I think what my excitement really is, is the work I did this past year. From my job to my home life to my recreational life I did so much. My job has become very stressful, and they keep moving me around, it is fulfilling however.

I had a Disneyland pass the whole year. I went like 60 times. That’s more than once a week. My wife and I got beach cursers for charismas, and have used them for many day trips to the beach.

I have reached out more online. I have, or am sure I can find any friend online. What a powerful tool! I have started a pod cast, posted many pictures, and started a blog this year so I can not only keep in touch with people but keep people in touch with me.

Overall I’m happy with the way things turned out this year. I hope 2008 is as wonderful as 2007. I sure hope all of you hade a fantastic year and I hope your 2008 is as good as I hope mine will be. Happy holidays!

1 comment:

Laurie B said...

I'm so proud of you! I hope I never say that too much because I want you to believe it! I think you have grown into a fine man. You're learning how to balance out all you have to do. Just remember it's very important to allow yourself some time to just relax. We have to allow ourselves that because if we don't, we will suffer from stress.

Thank you so much, for all the hard work you did for Dad and I when we were moving. But you're not done just yet. Will you paint the kitchen? Uh....I'm not kidding. I love you!!